Thursday, March 16, 2006

VCS Cheat Sheet


VCS Cheat Sheet


VCS is built on three components: LLT, GAB, and VCS itself. LLT
handles kernel-to-kernel communication over the LAN heartbeat links,
GAB handles shared disk communication and messaging between cluster
members, and VCS handles the management of services.

Once cluster members can communicate via LLT and GAB, VCS is started.
In the VCS configuration, each Cluster contains systems, Service
Groups, and Resources. Service Groups contain a list of systems
belonging to that group, a list of systems on which the Group should
be started, and Resources. A Resource is something controlled or
monitored by VCS, like network interfaces, logical IP's, mount point,
physical/logical disks, processes, files, etc. Each resource
corresponds to a VCS agent which actually handles VCS control over the

VCS configuration can be set either statically through a configuration
file, dynamically through the CLI, or both. LLT and GAB configurations
are primarily set through configuration files.


VCS configuration is fairly simple. The three configurations to worry
about are LLT, GAB, and VCS resources.

LLT configuration requires two files: /etc/llttab and /etc/llthosts.
llttab contains information on node-id, cluster membership, and
heartbeat links. It should look like this:

# llttab -- low-latency transport configuration file

# this sets our node ID, must be unique in cluster
set-node 0

# set the heartbeat links
link hme1 /dev/hme:1 - ether - -
# link-lowpri is for public networks
link-lowpri hme0 /dev/hme:0 - ether - -

# set cluster number, must be unique
set-cluster 0


The "link" directive should only be used for private links.
"link-lowpri" is better suited to public networks used for heartbeats,
as it uses less bandwidth. VCS requires at least two heartbeat signals
(although one of these can be a communication disk) to function
without complaints.

The "set-cluster" directive tells LLT which cluster to listen to. The
llttab needs to end in "start" to tell LLT to actually run.

The second file is /etc/llthosts. This file is just like /etc/hosts,
except instead of IP->hostnames, it does llt node numbers (as set in
set-node). You need this file for VCS to start. It should look like

0 daldev05
1 daldev06

GAB requires only one configuration file, /etc/gabtab. This file lists
the number of nodes in the cluster and also, if there are any
communication disks in the system, configuration for them. Ex:

/sbin/gabconfig -c -n2

tells GAB to start GAB with 2 hosts in the cluster. To specify VCS
communication disks:

/sbin/gabdisk -a /dev/dsk/cXtXdXs2 -s 16 -p a
/sbin/gabdisk -a /dev/dsk/cXtXdXs2 -s 144 -p h
/sbin/gabdisk -a /dev/dsk/cYtYdYs2 -s 16 -p a
/sbin/gabdisk -a /dev/dsk/cYtYdYs2 -s 144 -p h

-a specifies the disk, -s specifies the start block for each
communication region, and -p specifies the port to use, "a" being the
GAB seed port and "h" the VCS port. The ports are the same as the
network ports used by LLT and GAB, but are simulated on a disk.

The VCS configuration file(s) are in /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config. The two
most important files are and I like to set $VCSCONF
to that directory to make my life easier. contains the actual
VCS configuration for Clusters, Groups, and Resources, while
contains C-like prototypes for each possible Resource.

The VCS configurationis very similar to the C language, but all you
are doing is defining variables. Comments are "//" (if you try to use
#'s, you'll be unhappy with the result), and you can use "include"
statements if you want to break up your configuration to make it more
readable. One file you must include is

In, you need to specify a Cluster definition:

cluster iMS ( )

You can specify variables within this cluster definition, but for the
most part, the defaults are acceptible. Cluster variables include
maximum number of groups per cluster, link monitoring, log size,
maximum number of resources, maximum number of types, and a list of
user names for the GUI that you will never use and shouldn't install.

You then need to specify the systems in the cluster:

system daldev05 ( )
system daldev06 ( )

These systems must be in /etc/llthosts for VCS to start.

You can also specify SNMP settings for VCS:

snmp vcs (
Enabled = 1
IPAddr =
TrapList = { 1 = "A new system has joined the VCS Cluster",
2 = "An existing system has changed its state",
3 = "A service group has changed its state",
4 = "One or more heartbeat links has gone down",
5 = "An HA service has done a manual restart",
6 = "An HA service has been manually idled",
7 = "An HA service has been successfully started" }

IPAddr is the IP address of the trap listener. Enabled defaults to 0,
so you need to include this if you want VCS to send traps. You can
also specify a list of numerical traps; listed above are the VCS
default traps.

Each cluster can have multiple Service Group definitions. The most
basic Service Group looks like this:

group iMS5a (
SystemList = { daldev05, daldev06 }
AutoStartList = { daldev05 }

You can also set the following variables (not a complete list):

* FailOverPolicy - you can set which policy is used to determine
which system to fail over to, choose from Priority (numerically based
on node-id), Load (system with the lowest system load gets failover),
or RoundRobin (system with the least number of active services is
* ManualOps - whether VCS allows manual (CLI) operation on this Group
* Parallel - indicats if the service group is parallel or failover

Inside each Service Group you need to define Resources. These are the
nuts and bolts of VCS. A full description of the bundled Resources can
be found in the Install Guide and a full description of the
configuration language can be found in the User's Guide.

Here are a couple of Resource examples:

NIC networka (
Device = hme0
NetworkType = ether

IP logical_IPa (
Device = hme0
Address = ""

The first line begins with a Resource type (e.g. NIC or IP) and then a
globally unique name for that particular resource. Inside the paren
block, you can set the variables for each resource.

Once you have set up resources, you need to build a resource
dependancy tree for the group. The syntax is "child_resource requires
parent_resource." A dependancy tree for the above resources would look
like this:

logical_IPa requires networka

The dependancy tree tells VCS which resources need to be started
before other resources can be activated. In this case, VCS knows that
the NIC hme0 has to be working before resource logical_IPa can be
started. This works well with things like volumes and volumegroups;
without a dependancy tree, VCS could try to mount a volume before
importing the volume group. VCS deactivates all VCS controlled
resources when it shuts down, so all virtual interfaces (resource type
IP) are unplumbed and volumes are unmounted/exported at VCS shutdown.

Once the configuration is buld, you can verify it by running
/opt/VRTSvcs/bin/hacf -verify and then you can start VCS by running

Commands and Tasks

Here are some important commands in VCS. They are in /opt/VRTSvcs/bin
unless otherwise noted. It's a good idea to set your PATH to include
that directory.

Manpages for these commands are all installed in /opt/VRTS/man.

* hastart starts VCS using the current seeded configuration.
* hastop stops VCS. -all stops it on all VCS nodes in the cluster,
-force keeps the service groups up but stops VCS, and -local stop VCS
on the current node, and -sys systemname stop VCS on a remote system.
* hastatus shows VCS status for all nodes, groups, and resources.
It waits for new VCS status, so it runs forever unless you run it with
the -summary option.
* /sbin/lltstat shows network statistics (for only the local host)
much like netstat -s. Using the -nvv option shows detailed information
on all hosts on the network segment, even if they aren't members of
the cluster.
* /sbin/gabconfig sets the GAB configuration just like in
/etc/gabtab. /sbin/gabconfig -a show current GAB port status. Output
should look like this:

daldev05 # /sbin/gabconfig -a
GAB Port Memberships
Port a gen f6c90005 membership 01
Port h gen 3aab0005 membership 01

The last digits in each line are the node IDs of the cluster
members. Any mention of "jeopardy" ports means there's a problem with
that node in the cluster.
* haclus displays information about the VCS cluster. It's not
particularly useful because there are other, more detailed tools you
can use:
* hasys controls information about VCS systems. hasys -display
shows each host in the cluster and it's current status. You can also
set this to add, delete, or modify existing systems in the cluster.
* hagrp controls Service Groups. It can offline, online (or swing)
groups from host to host. This is one of the most useful VCS tools.
* hares controls Resources. This is the finest granular tool for
VCS, as it can add, remove, or modify individual resources and
resource attributes.

Here are some useful things you can do with VCS:

Activate VCS: run "hastart" on one system. All members of the cluster
will use the seeded configuration. All the resources come up.

Swing a whole Group administratively:

Assuming the system you're running GroupA on is sysa, and you want to
swing it to sysb

hagrp -switch GroupA -to sysb

Turn off a particular resource (say, ResourceA on sysa):

hares -offline ResourceA -sys sysa

In a failover Group, you can only online the resource on system on
which the group is online, so if ResourceA is a member of GroupA, you
can only bring ResourceA online on the system that is running GroupA.
To online a resource:

hares -online ResourceA -sys sysa

If you get a fault on any resource or group, you need to clear the
Fault on a system before you can bring that resource/group up on it.
To clear faults:

hagrp -clear GroupA
hares -clear ResourceA


Here are some tricks for VCS:

VCS likes to have complete control of all its resources. It brings up
all its own virtual interfaces, so don't bother to do that in your
init scripts. VCS also likes to have complete control of all the
Veritas volumes and groups, so you shouldn't mount them at boot. VCS
will fail to mount a volume unless it is responsible for importing the
Volume Group; if you import the VG and then start VCS, it will fail
after about 5 minutes and drop the volume without cleaning the FS. So
make sure all VCS-controlled VG's are exported before starting VCS.

Resource and Group names have no scope in VCS, so each must be a
unique identifier or VCS will fail to load your new configuration.
There is no equivalent to perl's my or local. VCS is also very case
sensitive, so all Types, Groups, Resources, and Systems must be the
same every time. To make matters worse, most of the VCS bundled types
use random capitalization to try to fool you. Copy and paste is your

Make sure to create your Resource Dependancy Tree before your start
VCS or you could fuck up your whole cluster.

The default time-out for LLT/GAB communication is 15 seconds. If VCS
detects a system is down on all communcations channels for 15 seconds,
it fails all of that system's resource groups over to a new system.

If you use Veritas VM, VCS can't manage volumes in rootdg, so what I
do is encapsulate the root disk into rootdg and create new volume in
their own VCS managed VG. Don't put VCS and non-VCS volumes in the
same VG.

Don't let VCS manage non-virtual interfaces. I did this in testing,
and if you fail a real interface, VCS will unplumb it, fail it over to
a virtual on the fail-over system. Then when you try to swing it back,
it will fail.

Notes on how the configuration is loaded

Because VCS doesn't have any determination of primary/slave for the
cluster, VCS needs to determine who has the valid configuration for
the cluster. As far as I can tell (because of course it's not
documented), this is how it works: When VCS starts, GAB waits a
predetermined timeout for the number of systems in /etc/gabtab to join
the cluster. At this point, all the systems in the cluster compare
local configurations, and the system with the newest config tries to
load it. If it's invalid, it pulls down the second newest valid
config. If it is valid, all the systems in VCS load that config.

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